Easter Sunday Race 2024

Sailwave results for Easter Trophy 2024 at Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club 2024

Easter Trophy 2024

Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club

Easter Trophy – Sunday 31 March 2024 at LW 09:12 0.73m

Start: All, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 11:15, Course: S OPK2, Wind:E5, RO: RK
Rank Class Sail No Helm Crew PY Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Dart 18 7443 Sam Rowell Lu Mustill 832 0:21:33 0:25:54 1.0
2 Sprint 15 1984 Simon Rowell   926 0:27:34 0:29:46 2.0
3 Dart 18 5875 Josh Fisk Rubie Fisk 832 0:25:06 0:30:10 3.0
4 Sprint 15 1736 Josh Seddon   926 0:29:45 0:32:08 4.0
5 RS400 697 Roger Lewis Jo Barnard 941 DNS   6.0

Scoring codes used

Code Description Points
DNS Came to the start area but did not start 6


Sailwave Scoring Software 2.30.02