Sunday’s Outside Drinking
Many thanks to all the members that visited the front of the club and had a socially distanced drink outside and viewed the lovely tidy beer cellar on Sunday. It was a lovely bright, day. We raised around £400 for the Riverside fund. Horray!
We would also like to thank Richard Woolf, Jane White and Barry Owen-Smith who made this happen. Well done guys!

Thank you to Lucy Read for the photos
Sunday’s Sailing in Company
Great turn out of boats for a Sunny winter’s Sunday. Have a look at the calendar on the website for the next Sailing in Company dates.

Saturday’s Work party
Thank you to those voluteers that made a start on sorting out the Galley on Saturday. Much appreciated.

Virtual Club Racing
Wednesday nights – please click below for find our more.
Christmas Card Initiative 2020
Paul & Liz Baskerville
James & Jackie Parker
Jane Billing & Matt Boyle
John & Sallie Daniels
Barry & Maggie Owen-Smith
Maggie Schober
Steve Coker & Fae Whalley
Roger & Jenny Storer
Steve & Lindsay Ferrar
Clive & Sheila Denny
Robert & Kirsty Wright
John Eggett
John & Ann Milne
Lynda Skelton & Dave Angless
Dave & Eve Robertson
John & Ann White
Martin & Christine Vince
John & Rosie Ranson
Tim O’Leary
Jane Gosling
Paul & Caroline Gallacher
Richard Woolf & Jane White
Guy & Rosemary Pearse
The above have given £10 in lieu of purchasing and delivering Christmas Cards, to benefit Riverside Fundraising
Cruising News
Calling all of you interested in cruising.
The next Cruising Zoom meeting will be on Monday 11th January, at 8pm.
Many thanks to the 18 people who took part enthusiastically in the first meeting on Monday.
Conversations included many cruising ideas, including the Baltic, Holland, going north, and more comfortably perhaps going south including the Blackwater, Chatham, London and down to Ramsgate and further along the south coast. Probably far more ideas than most of us can cram into one season!
We appreciated that the season needs to start gently, as almost all of us will be well out of sailing practice! We also talked about some training and refresher ideas available online and locally.
Caravanning/campers and cruising: we talked about having options to combine both activities to widen the scope for members who would like to get involved in our social activities, using venues such as Aldeburgh, Walton on the Naze, and the south coast.
Any programme will need to be very flexible depending on future Covid restrictions, as well as the usual tide/weather considerations, but we are all looking forward to enjoying a great season for 2021.
Any members are welcome to join our next zoom meeting in January.
Wishing everyone a peaceful, safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Club Christmas Present Ideas

Please click above for more ideas
Membership Renewal
For those of you that missed our membership renewal newsletter on Saturday, it is indeed coming up to renewal time.
We recognise this has been a difficult year for all. In light of this, we have 2 great offers:
1. All those who renew by January 31st or have existing annual billing setup will receive 3 months free membership taking your renewal up to the end of March 2022.
2. You will be entered into a draw to win back the cost of your 2021 membership.
Online Membership Renewal Form
Note that for both of the above this is applicable to Membership only and not Storagee. Storage fees will be invoiced in January 2022 pro-rata to align with your new renewal date.

Help Youth Sailing at Felixstowe Ferry
Whenever you use Smile Amazon you could help our Youth sailors carry on with our great sport. Just click below and start shopping.
Sponsorship Opportunities 2021
We are looking for members that own their own business or work for someone that is looking to promote their business. We have many sponsorship opportunities available. Please click below for more details:
A bit of fun!

Stay safe and well
Jane B & Jane W