Newsletter 9-Jan-25
Andy Robinson
The talk by John Eggert has been postponed and is likely to be on a Friday evening combined with a fish and chip supper.
As the 2025 sailing season approaches we will be having a meeting on Sunday 26th January at 11 am in the club house. I hope we can start to put together a cruising programme for the year. All boat owners welcome to attend and share your ideas.
London & St. Katherines Cruise
There is support for a cruise to London in mid to late August.
Lowestoft and Southwold Cruise
Dave Angless has volunteered to organise a cruise on 6th or 7th June to Lowestoft and Southwold.
Newsletter 19-Dec-24
by Andy Robinson
Newsletter 5-Dec-24
by Andy Robinson
The laying up supper was well supported by the yacht and motorboat section and we all enjoyed an excellent meal served by the caterers.
The prize giving recognised a number of our cruising members for some well-deserved achievements during the year.
Derek Martin and Lotti Khun completed a circumnavigation of the UK in their yacht Bernina.
Their adventure took in the Orkney Islands and Shetland before travelling back down the Irish sea and along the south coast.
Bob and Lynne James are in the middle of an extended trip around the UK spending the summer sailing along the south coast, up the west coast in their yacht Nirvana which they have left at Stornoway for the winter.
Newsletter 7-Nov-24
by Andy Robinson
With the sailing season coming to an end and a majority of boats now lifted out it is time to reflect back on our sailing season. The highs and lows and of course the weather that interfered with some of our plans.
As part of the end of season we have the laying up supper on 23rd November. As part of our celebration we will be presenting trophies for the yachts section. I would therefore encourage all yacht owners to come to the dinner on 23rd and congratulate the winners of our trophies.
Newsletter 10-Oct-24
by Andy Robinson
Woodbridge Cruise
We had the final cruise to Woodbridge over the weekend of 5/6 October with six boats making the short journey up to the Tide Mill marina. A special mention to Art who brought his boat round from Shotley with the help of Paul Hogger.
As with the previous cruise we were well looked after at the Red Lion for the Saturday evening meal for 20 people. Enormous thanks to Isobel for organising pre dinner drinks and snacks on Ocean Dancer.
With the season drawing to a close, thoughts now start turning to winter maintenance and where to go in 2025.
Newsletter 25-Sep-24
by Andy Robinson
Isobel and I had a lovely trip down to the Colne last week, spending three nights at anchor in Pyefleet Creek. With strong winds still continuing and the need to get back Isobel was able to experience the Wallet at its worse with 30 Knots of breeze and the tide against us it was slow progress, but we eventually made it to Titchmarsh before the short leg home the following day.
Final Cruise of the year to Woodbridge 5th & 6th October
Just a reminder to let me know if you would like to join the cruise to Woodbridge, staying at the Tidemill marina, with Dinner at the Red Lion. (
Boats already signed up, (but I may have missed someone apologise if I have). We currently have 22 people booked for the dinner.
Ocean Dancer
Surf Huntress
Estuary Pilgrim
Newsletter 19-Sep-24
By Andy Robinson
I am writing this week from Pyefleet creek. Isobel and I are making the most of the nice weather to get away for a week.
Final Cruise of the year to Woodbridge 5th & 6th October
Just a reminder to let me know if you would like to join the cruise to Woodbridge, staying at the Tidemill marina, with Dinner at the Red Lion. (
Boats already signed up, (but I may have missed someone apologise if I have)
Ocean Dancer
Surf Huntress
Newsletter 12-Sep-24
By Andy Robinson
Final Cruise of the year to Woodbridge 5th & 6th October
Just a reminder to let me know if you would like to join the cruise to Woodbridge, staying at the Tidemill marina, with Dinner at the Red Lion. (
Boats already signed up, (but I may have missed someone apologise if I have)
Ocean Dancer
Surf Huntress
Winter Talks
Unfortunately the talk from David and Asa Robertson about their adventures in Svalbard and Norway could not go ahead. I am hoping we can reschedule for later in the autumn or next spring.
If anyone has some good ideas for talks this winter usually on the third Wednesday of the month do let me know.