Barts Bash Results 2023

Sailwave results for Bart’s Bash Race 2023 at Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club 2023

Bart’s Bash Race 2023

Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club

Charity Race in support of the Andrew Simpson Foundation

Bart’s Bash – Sunday 17 August at HW 13:58 3.72m

Start: Bart’s Bash, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 13:30, Course: hCH (5.42M), Wind: ESE4, RO: JB
Rank Class Sail No Helm Crew PY Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Dart 18 7443 Sam Rowell Lu Mustill 832 0:43:23 0:52:09 1.0
2 Dart 16 1822 Ed Swain Luke Southgate 905 0:47:22 0:52:20 2.0
3 Sprint 15 1240 Donald Sloan   926 0:48:43 0:52:37 3.0
4 Dart 18 5875 Josh Fisk Joe Read 832 0:44:33 0:53:33 4.0
5 Dart 16 2359 Mike Hill   905 0:48:29 0:53:34 5.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.29.0