Weekend Trophy Race 14:00 Saturday 2 October 2021

Pursuit Race format: each class will have its own start time, slowest boats first, with the race finishing at a set time. There will be two races run in parallel, a short (45 minute) race aimed at Youth and less confident sailors, and a standard (90 minute) race. First start time is 1400hrs (see NOR & SI’s)
Enter for your chosen race in front of the Club, near the start. Sailors can only enter one race! The Course for each race will be displayed near the start. There will be no warning signals. Starting will be from the beach in front of the Club, each class counted down to a sound signal. The Finish: each race will be finished with a sound signal from a RIB on the water at the set race finish time, boats’ race ranking being their order on the water at or soon after that time, as recorded from the RIB. Boats must continue sailing the course until receiving an individual finish sound signal. Competitors should note the boat next in front and behind at the finish time. Briefing and the starting clock will be available near the foreshore before the start.

If available, a pathfinder RIB displaying Numeral Pennant 1
will lead the Short Race.
Times for other classes available on the day. These start times are provisional and depend on Safety Boat availability after their crew lunch. Shortly delayed schedules will be implemented if necessary.

The 90 minute Standard Race may be reduced in length if conditions so require.

Where there is conflict, these SIs take precedence over the Sailing Instructions for Club Racing and the Racing Rules of Sailing which apply in general to all Club racing. Examples of conflict are the starting and finishing procedures. Paras 4-13, 15 and 17 of Club SIs do not apply.

All racers should have a good knowledge of Racing Rules of Sailing, especially Part 2, “When Boats Meet”. These Racing Rules are revised every four years, with a new version this year, 2021.