⛵ RYA East Connected Conference – Nov 2024
A few of our Training centre guys attended the RYA East conference with another 289 Boating organisations in November 2024.
Many subjects were covered which included as follows:
Women on Water – WoW
Opportunities for young members – Youth Sailing @ Felixstowe Ferry
Safety management systems – Training Centre
Our club members are keen for us to keep up with the new RYA ideas and try to put as many into action as possible.
Following on from that, the guys were at the RYA East workshop held at Royal Harwich Yacht Club this week (Jan-2025).
The subjects covered were:

Thanks to Joe, Josh & Alan for going to these events. 

We hope that the information taken on will be actioned very soon.
If you would like to have a go at sailing, please email Josh on sailingcaptain@ffsc.co.uk for more information.