Tractor Guidance


Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club operates a tractor across club grounds which are frequently accessed y members of the public in addition to club members. It also operates over 30m of public road and the public slipway. Only trained, authorised members of the club operate the tractor to move safety boats and other equipment around club grounds and to and from the slipway. Prior to using the tractor a member must complete a mandatory short training session with a club allocated tractor trainer which will cover, how to use the tractor and also how to launch and recover boats from the slipway. This involves basic pre-operation checks, starting, driving and safety procedures. Following the training drivers are added to the tractor drivers list.

For further information regarding access to use of the tractor please contact a member of the sailing committee.

The following procedures were introduced to ensure safe operation of the tractor after a full assessment of the risks had been carried out.


  1. Must hold a full UK driving licence – compulsory as part of club insurance.
  2. Must not have been disqualified
  3. Must be aged 21 or over
  4. Must have successfully completed the FFSC tractor traiing course, which allows them to be able to launch and recover ribs and move club equipment.
  5. Must appear on the approved club tractor drivers list.

Organisation and Documentation

  1. The Risk Assessment is to be reviewed annually
  2. the tractor driving training is to ensure that prospective drivers are made aware of the hazards and precautions identified in the Risk Assessment.
  3. A list of approved tractor drivers is to be maintained by the committee.
  4. The club holds a photocopy of each drivers drivers licence.
  5. A log of all reported faults and corrective action is to be maintained.
  6. Tractor log should be completed on every occasion that the tractor is used.


  1. Use of safety strops or trailer chains is mandatory when launching/recovering safety boats.
  2. Safety checks of hte tractor are to be conducted by all drivers prior to commencing operation – lights flashing, brakes working, horn working.
  3. Drivers must be aware and constantly check people movement around them especially where children and members of the public are present.
  4. On occasions where there are a large number of children or the public a banksman will operate as a lookout during operations.
  5. When on the slipway launching/recovering no individual should come between the water and a towed boat.