We hope you are enjoying the fine weather and getting out on the water, Wednesday night racing continues to thrive with 18 boats out last wednesday and over 30 ‘teams’ taking part in at least one race, see the results here: https://ffsc.co.uk/sailing/results
Sailing in company and cruising in company continues to grow with the warm weather, a great way for members to get out on the water, the next sessions are on the 19th June and 26th June meet at 1300hrs. Club boats available to hire, please email sailing@ffsc.co.uk
The training centre has started to run (and complete) it’s first sessions, if you are interested in learning or know someone who is then get in touch training@ffsc.co.uk
The Youth sailing section looks to be back to near pre covid activity Yay! lots of kids enjoying the sun and water.
The next Yacht cruise is approaching Friday 18/06/21 Brightlingsea – leaving from Halfpenny Pier, and then the cruise to St. Kat’s on Wednesday 07/07/21 St Katherine’s Dock via Queenborough
leaving from Suffolk Yacht Harbour, get in touch with Dave Angless for the Brighlingsea cruise and John Ransom for the St. Kat’s cruise (or cruising@ffsc.co.uk)
Things are really beginning to look more sunny!

Commodore’s Chat

It was such a thrill to see that two of our Officers  have been recognised in the Queen’s Birthday honours list.
Matt Read our Sailing Captain and Simon Scammell our Publicity  Officer have been listed in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list as BRITISH EMPIRE MEDAL awards, for services to frontline health workers during the COVID pandemic, a fantastic achievement.
Early on in the pandemic, when health workers in Suffolk and across the country were desperately short of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Matt and Simon with great innovation and presence of mind set up a 3D printer facility. With a team volunteers, many from Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club , they were able to rapidly design, produce and donate vital PPE for our local hospitals and health workers, to ensure their safety and allow them to continue to work amongst highly infectious patients.
This timely action undoubtedly saved many lives and ensured the safety of those treating them. They continued to supply PPE across the country once sufficient quantities for Suffolk had been met until overseas supplies became available.

I am sure you will all join me in congratulating Matt and Simon  on such a fine achievement.

We are indeed fortunate to have such dedicated active enthusiasts as members. So proud to have them  both with us on  the General Committee and highly value their enthusiasm and dedication.

Our Club re opening programme has continued at a pace.
The fish and chip offering that was added to the Wednesday night opening has been a resounding success. Brilliantly supported by members particularly from the Sailors  and the Rowing team.
I cannot thank  Mary Barker enough for her  efforts to make the Bar work so well. The Club is extremely grateful for her advice and dedication.
With its lively friendly atmosphere, despite COVID social distancing, it has been a real pleasure to  spend time amongst like minded friends.

We are changing to a curry menu to vary the offering from next Wednesday 16th June . Orders will need to be placed by 6.00 pm Monday 14th June. Details available else where on the site.

The success of Wednesday nights and the support received has allowed us to proceed further in appointing a permanent Caterer.
A franchise  agreement has been reached with KB Caterers who will commence on the 26th July so that we will have a permanent in house Caterer.
It is our intention to significantly increase the hours where quality food and snacks are available in the Club, particularly during all the times when sailing activities are under way. It also means that subject to the relaxation of COVID restrictions we can plan and look forward to a vibrant Social program once again, and more actively promote our wonderful facilities for hire and events.

Sailing activities are continuing to grow with a strong fleet on Wednesdays a growing youth sailing activity on Saturday mornings and Saturday afternoon dinghy cruising . The crows nest is now manned by volunteers on a rota basis for racing. 
The General Committee is now well underway with planning for Catamaran open early August. An event that attracts a large number of Sailors to a highly regarded weekend event.
We have had some very fruitful discussions for a more defined affiliation with the newly formed Rowing group, with many of the group already signed up as members.

The drainage works programme is continuing towards completion in November. In the mean time we   we have reclaimed the Club forecourt whilst the treatment plant is being delivered. Once installed we will be able to look to a more permanent restitution of the entrance area to the club.

We will shortly be starting on some further repairs to Riverside to extend its life until such time as a more permanent structure can be funded in the years ahead.

At long last I have had the pleasure of being back on the water, and of course relearning that the boom can still pack a punch if one stands in its way!
Wishing you fair winds and pleasant sailing in the weeks ahead.

Your Commodore Ed Candy