Bart’s Bash 2020

Felixstowe Ferry Sailing clubs Bart’s Bash will be held on Sunday, 13th September 2020. Meet 9.45am for registration and briefing of race details. Race starts at 10.30am.

Saturday, 12th September is set for Bart’s Bash Race Training. Meet 2pm with briefing and hope to be on the water by 2.30pm

This is the largest sailing race in the world where all results are entered online. Compete against your friends at FFSC and Olympians worldwide.  Contact for boat hire.

Created by the Andrew Simpson Foundation. They were inspired by the memory of Olympic Gold and Silver medallist Andrew ‘Bart’ Simpson MBE, who passionately believed that everyone should have the chance to try sailing and enjoy the many benefits that it brings.

Visit the Bar’ts Bash Fundraising page for more information.

Since its inception, the event has successfully raised funds for the ASF which in turn has helped a huge number of sailing projects in our local communities and across the world and we encourage our supporters to consider making a donation to the ASF.

Here are few photos from last years’ event.


So much fun for all the family.

Why not join in on Sunday, 13th September – Registration: 9 am. Race start 9.30am
