Club Opening
Some of our members were uncomfortable at the 2.0m social distancing arrangements in the Club. The committee agreed that a team could change it to 1m+ Guidance to provide a more convivial hospitality space. However, under government guidance this required Risk Mitigation Actions and an associated Risk Assessment to be carried out and available. Unfortunately, no evidence was provided of the Mitigating Actions and Risk Assessment. Therefore, reluctantly the committee agreed to revert to the 2.0 regime on Sunday 30th August 2020.
On Sunday 30th August, just before closing, some members were very vocal in expressing their disapproval using unpleasant language. May I remind the members that the committee are all VOLUNTEERS and are striving to do their best for ALL the members and manage the club in these difficult times. We have a policy of trying to be open and transparent to members, we will have got some things wrong and we correct those things as soon as we are able.
Our Aim remains to open the clubhouse to meet members demands and make the place more welcoming with a possible reduction in social distancing levels while adhering to government guidelines at all times. It will remain at 2.0m distancing until the risk assessment for the reduction is available. It may not be by tonight but we will work towards it as soon as possible. We are also looking at opening at different times during September.
The AGM is scheduled to be held on 15th November 2020. Currently we are considering the options available for us to hold the meeting.
The Government has indicated that the rules on gatherings may be eased in November. If this does not happen we are considering options on how the AGM meeting can be held. We will need to satisfy club rules on record of attendance, reaching quorum, recording discussion and voting. This may involve Web-enabled application and on-line voting. If anyone has novel solutions they can suggest, on how this can be achieved, we would appreciate your input.
Committee Nominations.
This year ALL General committee posts are available. If you wish to serve the club in one of the positions below please complete the nomination form here, so it can be considered at the AGM.
Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore Training
Rear Commodore Sailing
Ordinary members x2
Publicity officer
Membership Secretary
House Secretary
Yacht Captain
Social Secretary
In addition, there is a nominated Youth Sailing Representative.
Ferry Whiff Solution
For the last 5 to 6 years the directors and Colin Lister have been working with East Suffolk Council to resolve the “Ferry Whiff”. The directors are currently negotiating with the ESC to agree a license for ESC to build a digester plant between the Public Toilets and the clubhouse. This will be of a similar size to the toilet block. This will mean we will permanently lose the land on which the new plant will stand. The effect to us will be to re-site:
Fuel Store
Ground tackle store
Move the Kitchen shed
Remove or re-sight the kitchen Propane store.
In addition, access to the bar cellar will be restricted.
We will keep you updated on the progress of the negotiations as and when it is becomes clearer.
August Bank Holiday
We did not open on August Bank Holiday. Originally we planned to have an event on the day. As this could not be held under COVID-19 restrictions we therefore decided it would be uneconomic to open.
Sailing in Company – Saturday, 5th September
Sailing in company is on this Saturday. Forecast currently looks great! Meet from 1PM aiming to be afloat shortly after 2PM. Contact for boat hire, assessments and if you haven’t attended before.
Race Training – Saturday 12th September
We will be holding race training on the afternoon of Saturday 12th of September. This will take the form of many short starts and short races. If you aren’t into racing you are welcome to join and sail in the same area. Contact for boat hire.
Barts Bash – Sunday 13th September
Once again we will be running Barts Bash on Sunday 13th of September. This is the largest sailing race in the world where all results are entered online. Compete against your friends at FFSC and Olympians worldwide. Start time to be confirmed. Additional details will be posted on the club website. Contact for boat hire.
FFSC Cat Open – Saturday 26 – Sunday 27th September
On the 26/27th of September the FFSC Catamaran Open meeting returns. This includes the Dart 16 and F18 national championships. We want to see as many club sailors participating as possible whether this be on the water or volunteering. We have a limited number of Dart 16s available for hire by club members. The cost of this is £20 for the weekend in addition to the entry fee. Contact for boat hire.
Stay safe and well
Jane B & Jane W