Dinghy Cruise 13-14 August

Weather permitting (and it’s looking good at the moment) the intention is to leave the club at around 14.30 and sail across to the Walton Backwaters. A chance to explore (and play Swallows and Amazons!) before stopping on Stone Point where we have permission to camp for the night. We’ll return on the falling tide …

Saturday Afternoon Cat Cruise

The first Saturday Afternoon racing was scheduled for 2.30pm last bank holiday weekend. Upon arrival the wind was light and often dropped to nothing. With club sailors assembled it was agreed that we would cruise round to Felixstowe front using the newly purchased Dart 16s that had only been rigged for the first time that …

Aerial Imagery – Bar at Low Tide

The Bar has always been tricky to navigate but with the use of a multi-rotor FFSC Sailing Captain Sam Rowell has been able to supply us with images which may be useful to our members. Full size images are available on request.