Thanks to Suffolk Sails
Suffolk Sails have been sponsoring our club for many years and we want to thank them for their support.
Click below for their online shop.

Donation to Riverside
We have a few items going out of date (end of this month), so rather than throw them away, we thought the membership might like to take them away and make a donation to Riverside. Please reply to this email if you are interested and we will put you in touch with Richard to arrange collection.
6 off…..1 litre orange juice
21 off…1/2 litre bottle 0.5% Ghost Ship.
16 off… Becks
5 off…..Tiger beer
1 off……1/2 litre Crabbies Ginger Beer
1 off……1 litre Soda water
18 off….Coke Zero

For Sale
Please reply to this email if you are interested in purchasing any of the below and we will put you in touch with Richard to arrange payment and collection.

Youth Sailing @ Felixstowe Ferry
Following our monthly meeting here is an update on plans for the 2021 season.
We are hoping to start the season at Easter with the Beginner and Improver groups, this is likely to be on a 1 to 1 basis in a Wayfarer giving the students more time on the helm and a chance of moving them swiftly into the next group. Intermediate, Advanced and Performance students will start in May.
We already have a few students that have shown an interest in rejoining next year. If possible please let us know early if you are interested in joining YS@FF in 2021 as this will give us a better chance to plan.
Thanks to those of you that have offered to help, more helpers are required please.
Thanks from the Executive Committee
Malcolm Last – Chief Instructor
Galley Services
When the Galley Services were suspended on 18th October for valid financial reasons, unfortunately this disenfranchised Patrick Levey who provided our Galley services and we were duty bound to terminate our agreement with him. We would like to thank Patrick for the good service and support he has given to FFSC over the last few years, and we all wish him well in the future.
Change of your General Committee
We have had a change around on our General committee. With the AGM being postponed until the new year, some of the committee members felt they couldn’t carry on in their roles. Stephen Beales (Treasurer), Vicki Carter (Membership) Ed Swain & Sam Walker (Sailing captains) have all stepped down from the Committee. We would like to thank them for their hard work and hope to see them around the club soon.
Sheila Denny, Andy Robinson and Barry Owen-Smith, all expressed an interest in joining the committee and we are pleased to say they have accepted our invitations. We welcome them to our committee and we look forward to working with them until the AGM.
We are indebited to those that will remain on the committee until the AGM.
Currently the committee are forms work groups to ensure the key posts are managed effectively particularly for finance, strategy, capital projects and membership.
We welcome your suggestions to enable us to take club into the brilliant future we will have in 2021. Please do reply to this email if you think you can help with ideas and/or you wish to join one of the work groups.
What year was this Laying Supper?
It was the year where Jackie Rowbotham toasted the Queen, P W G Huntley Esq. toasted the Club and K Banks Esq toasted the Guests.

Extract from ‘The Deben’ magazine
The River Deben from Source to Sea by Jane Haviland
On 16th August 2020 Ruth Redgrave and I embarked on a cycling adventure along the River Deben – from its sourse to the sea and back to Melton.
Although we understood the source to be Debenham, on checking the OS map there was a trickle of a stream flowing from Aspall. So we took the starting point to be in the viscinity of St. Mary the Grace Church. We did not see the stream itself in Aspall nor the river flowing through Debenham. even the Ford across the road was dry. We only started seeing water as we cycled along Thorpe Lane towards Cretingham.
There are many different routes one can take while following the River Deben from its source. One can be guided by delightful country pubs or historic churches. We were guided by the bridges and zigzagged our way to Melton. We crossed the river at Cretingham where there were poplula trees, weeping willow, sycamore and another willow type – possilby crack willow. I’m told by the Woodland Trust that the cricket bat willow, grown at Melton, is a hybrid of the white and crack willows.
Cretingham is home to the Bell pub (if we had sampled all the delights of nourishment on the route we would still be cycling!). Another feature of the village is St. Peter’s Church where the ring of five bells can again be heard chiming out following their recent refurbishment.
Crossing the river at Brandeston we heard the bells of All Saints Church singing away as we passed the cottge of Margaret Catchpole, who became notorious for stealing a horse and being deported to Australia. There is a cattle crossing under the bridge here. At Kettleburgh we cycled past the Chequers Inn as we headed towards Easton via Letheringham. Letheringham hosts the beautiful St. Mary’s Churchand an Augustinian Priory which dates back to 1194 and is rich in wonderful historic names.
We avoided the temptation once agin as we cycled past the White Horse at Easton and meandered along the river’s edge and through Wickham Market. We nearly got squashed as we cycled over Glevering Bridge. It’s a very narrow old bridge and the river becomes increasingly riverlike. Once we reached Ufford we were travelling on more familiar ground. The White Lion pub tried to tempt us in but we put on a spurt to get to the bridge. Swimmers were gathering there and cows grazing in the meadows. We even heard a green woodpecker.
On through Bromswell and to the roundabout before Wilford Bridge where we swung left and pedalled to Bawdsey – not quite non stop as we had a snack at the Sutton Hoo National Trust site. We resisted the turning to the Ramsholt Arms but enjoyed a very welcome cuppa and delicious piece of cake at the Bawdsey Cafe before waving the bat for the ferry and starting our homeward journey.
The sea fret was rolling in and I do believe there was a ghost ship emerging from the mist into the mouth of the river. We took no notice of the Waldringfield Maybush but pedalled back to Melton up Ferry Road through the Trimleys, Kirton and Newbourn and then peddalled up Sandy Lane (a killer!) into Woodbridge for a well deserved cup of tea and sandwich. We covered approx. 70km and can highly recommend the route. A fine day out and another reminder as to how very beautiful our river is.
Jane Haviland is vice chair of the River Deben Association and an active river user. Her speciallist subject is environmental law and she is looking forward to being actively involved in promoting and protecting biodiversity within the River Deben catchment.

Christmas Present Ideas from FFSC
1. Club Membership – email:
2. Sailing courses – email:
3. Power Boat Training course – email:
4. New Hoodie, T-Shirt of jacket from our club shop – click on the picture below
5. RYA membership
6. Boat parts and clothing from Seamark Nunn
7. New suit of sails from Suffolk Sails

Stay safe and well
Jane B & Jane W |